Call it Hummus or Call it Sauce

I regret not making more of this tasty dish. Today was another day where I came home later than expected. Rainy day, bad traffic, made for Late Mom. When I got home, I needed to come up with someone fast for dinner. Those dinner alarm bells were ringing in my kids heads, smoke pouring out their ears. I had to come up with something that would take mere minutes. I had to restrain myself from running to the nearest pizza store on the way home.

I put some water on to boil…I literally threw it on the stove, water puddling on the floor. I always have some type of pasta in the pantry. What to serve with the pasta to up the healthy factor. Chopped up salad veggies are fine on the side. What to put on the pasta though. I wanted some protein for them, and had no time to cook up some chicken.

As I was eyeing my mini cuisinart, I decided on a white bean puree. This puree would also be good turned into a Hummus. Just omit the vegetable broth if you want to serve it as a dip.

White Bean Puree or Hummus

1 can of white beans
2 tablespoons basil, chopped
5 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup vegetable broth
1/4 cup shredded parmesean (optional)

Process the entire mixture in a food processor. Toss with warm pasta.


About Hindy Garfinkel
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