Pan-Seared Miso Glazed Salmon


I recently started getting a weekly delivery of fresh fish from my local fish market. I like supporting local stores, and since they have some fresh wild fish options, I decided to give it a try. It tends to arrive at my door around 5 pm, which is perfect timing for me. It’s right around the time I get home and just in time for me to prepare dinner for the family.

I recently got some amazing fresh wild salmon to cook for dinner. We eat salmon often in our home. It’s a reliable fish that’s easy to cook and loved by all members of the family – even the kids.

I was very pleased with the quality of the fish when it arrived and I really wanted to showcase it.

I love searing the salmon so that the skin gets crispy. I sometimes save the skin for making crispy salmon skin sushi rolls. But this night, I served the salmon with the skin on. Why not? It’s delicious!

I washed the salmon well and then dried all sides with paper towels. I cut the salmon in to serving size pieces and then sprinkled both sides with salt and pepper.


I mixed up my miso glaze. It’s a combination of miso, tamari, sriracha, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, and brown sugar.

I seared my salmon, skin side down, in my cast iron skillet. While the skin side cooked, I brushed the salmon flesh with the miso glaze. After a few minutes, I carefully flipped over my salmon pieces. I let the glazed side cook. I let it cook for another few minutes. You don’t want the salmon to get overcooked. It should be just cooked before removing it from the heat since it will continue to cook for a bit.


I served my salmon over a bed of stir-fried haricot vert and bok choy.

Dinner was cooked in less than 20 minutes and it was so easy!

Pan-Seared Miso Glazed Salmon
Recipe type: Fish, Dinner
  • Around 1 lb. Salmon
  • sea salt
  • ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp. shiro miso
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp. minced ginger
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic
  • 2 tsp. tamari
  • 2 tsp. sriracha
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil or grapeseed oil
  1. Wash your salmon and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Sprinkle salt and fresh ground pepper on both sides of the salmon
  3. In a small bowl, mix up the miso, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, tamari and sriracha.
  4. Heat up a large skillet on medium-high heat. Add in the oil.
  5. When the oil is hot add the salmon, skin-side down.
  6. While the salmon cooks, brush the miso glaze over the salmon. Cook the salmon on each side for about 4 minutes.
  7. Carefully flip over. After around 4 minutes on each side, the salmon will just be cooked through. Do not overcook.
  8. Serve with your favorite stir-fried vegetables, rice or other side dish.
  9. Enjoy!


Crispy Rice Cakes with Spicy Salmon


My husband and I recently checked out a new sushi place in our area. My husband was blown away by this raw tuna dish I picked out. The spicy tuna was served over these crispy rice cakes. He gushed over the dish and told me that I had to cook up something similar as soon as possible.

His raw fish of choice is usually salmon.  So the next weekend, he made a beeline for the market and bought around a half a pound of sushi-grade wild salmon.

He pulled out the rice cooker and begged me to make my version of the dish.

I made some sushi rice and seasoned it. I then shaped it in to various shapes. I tried shaping it both with my hands and with a rice mold. I then pan fried it in a combination of rice bran oil and sesame oil. While frying the rice cakes, I lightly sprinkled the cakes with some soy sauce for extra flavor.

While the rice cakes were crisping up, I got to work on the salmon.

I skinned the salmon. I saved the salmon skin for sushi rolls.  I then chopped up the salmon in to small bits. I mixed the salmon with some mayonnaise, some sriracha, sesame oil and chopped scallions.



I served this mixture on top of the rice cakes. You can dip the rice cakes in additional soy sauce if desired or serve with wasabi or even more sriracha. Enjoy!

Crispy Rice Cake with Spicy Salmon
  • 1.5 cups raw sushi rice, cooked and seasoned (use this recipe)
  • .40 lbs of sushi-grade wild salmon
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp. sriracha
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil
  • 4 scallions. Chopped plus extra for garnish
  • 1-2 tbsp. rice bran oil
  • 2 tsp. sesame oil
  • soy sauce or tamari
  1. Cook the sushi rice and season with seasoned rice vinegar.
  2. Chop up the raw salmon and place in a bowl.
  3. Mix in the mayonnaise, sriracha, sesame oil and scallions.
  4. Form the cooked sushi rice in to shapes and fry in the heated and oiled pan. Let the rice cakes brown a bit on each side. Sprinkle soy sauce over the rice cakes and brown some more. The rice cakes should be crispy.
  5. Place a dollop of the salmon mixture over each rice cake and enjoy! Serve with soy sauce, extra sriracha and/or wasabi.

rice-cakes-with-salmonwith text

Wasabi Salmon Burger Wraps

We had some leftover salmon from the other night. I wanted to use it up, but I am very bad about using leftovers. I just don’t like them. Salmon is one thing that I do use though. I usually like to turn it in to a salmon salad the next day. This time around though, I decided to turn it in to some salmon burgers. Similar to my baked salmon patties, you can use either recently cooked salmon or even some canned salmon. Both will work, but I always prefer to use fresh salmon when possible.

This salmon burger comes together in a similar way as the salmon patties, but the flavors are amped up a bit with the addition of the wasabi and ginger.

Salmon Burger Wraps

I mashed up my leftover fresh salmon in a bowl. You can use canned salmon if you don’t have fresh salmon lying around. To the salmon, add an egg, some wasabi, soy sauce, sesame soil, ginger, garlic, corn flake crumbs, chopped shallots. You mix it together and form in to burgers.

Salmon Burger Wraps

Fry the burgers in a large pan.

Salmon Burger Wraps

Serve in wraps with avocado, spinach, additional wasabi and mayonnaise.  So good! Make it now!

Salmon Burger Wraps

Wasabi Salmon Burger Wraps
Recipe type: Sandwich, Burger, Lunch, Main Course
  • 12 oz cooked salmon or 2 - 6 oz cans of salmon
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • 2 tsp. ginger paste
  • 2 tsp. garlic paste
  • 1 extra large egg
  • 2 tbsp. wasabi
  • 1 tbsp. mayonaisse
  • ¾ cup corn flake crumbs
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tsp. sriracha
  • Tortillas (I had mine in brown rice tortillas, while my family likes flour tortillas)
  • Avocados, sliced
  • Baby Spinach Leaves
  1. In a medium mixing bowl, mash up the salmon with a fork
  2. Mix in the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.
  3. Form in to patties/burgers.
  4. Grill on a barbecue, or fry in a large fry pan on medium-high heat in one tablespoon of oil. The burgers should be lightly browned on both sides.
  5. Wrap up the burgers in a tortilla with additional wasabi or sriracha, some mayonnaise, some sliced avocado and spinach.
  6. Enjoy!


Baked Salmon with Ramps

As  you can see, I am still using up some of those ramps. I literally went on a ramp cooking frenzy – trying to work the flavor of the ramps in to anything possible. You see, ramp season is only around for a short time. You need to take advantage of the Spring season for these wild leeks as much as possible.

I recently picked up some amazing salmon. I had a bit over a pound of salmon, and it being so perfect and so fresh, I knew I had to cook it just right.


I made up a mixture of garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, honey and chopped ramps. I rubbed the mixture on the salmon and placed it in the oven. It was that simple!

The simple seasoning, along with the fabulous chopped ramps, gave this dish a wonderful flavor. To round it all out, I served the salmon over a bed of wasabi microgreens. This was an amazing dinner.



Baked Salmon with Ramps
Recipe type: Main Course, Fish
  • 1½ lb. salmon filets
  • juice of one lemon
  • rind of ½ lemon
  • 4 ramps, trimmed and chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp. sea salt
  • 2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
  • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 375.
  2. Place the salmon in a baking dish
  3. Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper
  4. Mix together the lemon juice, olive oil and honey
  5. Stir in the chopped garlic
  6. Pour the mixture over the salmon
  7. Add the red pepper flakes (if desired)
  8. Sprinkle the chopped ramps and lemon rind all over the top of the salmon
  9. Bake the salmon at 375 for about 13 minutes - check on the salmon. You don't want to overcook it.
  10. I served this salmon over some wasabi microgreens, but you can serve however you'd like
  11. Enjoy!


Lemon Oregano Baked Salmon

My husband went to the farmer’s market, where I had given him specific instructions along with a shopping list. Of course, once he got there, he improvised. He got what was on the list, and also what appealed to him. Which is totally fine. Happy to have a variety of fruits and veggies on hand – as long as we eat them.

The list included some fresh thyme. I love fresh herbs, and until my garden is ready, I have to make do with store-bought.

As I unpacked the grocery bags though, I didn’t see any thyme. In place of the thyme was some fresh Oregano. I don’t cook with oregano too often. I decided to make the best of it and come up with some recipes that would work with the oregano.

I had planned on salmon for dinner anyways. This Lemon Oregano Salmon just makes sense. It’s very flavorful, was easy to make and everyone was happy.


Lemon Oregano Baked Salmon
  • 2½ Lemons
  • 6 Sprigs Fresh Oregano
  • 8 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 lb. Salmon Filet
  • 1.5 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
  1. Slice on of the lemons in rounds and lay in a 9x13 baking pan.
  2. Lay three of the oregano sprigs over the lemon slices. Sprinkle half of the garlic over the oregano and lemon.
  3. Wash and dry the salmon and place the salmon over the lemon and oregano.
  4. Sprinkle the salmon with salt and pepper.
  5. Squeeze the juice of of one lemon over the salmon. Pour over the olive oil.
  6. Chop up the remaining leaves of oregano and sprinkle over the salmon, along with the garlic.
  7. Cover the salmon and let marinate for at least 20 minutes.
  8. Preheat oven to broil.
  9. Broil the salmon for around 15 minutes. Fish should be done by then.
  10. Serve over rice with a salad on the side.
  11. Enjoy!







Baked Salmon with a Cumin Rub

This morning, I did something that I rarely remember to do. I took something out of the freezer to defrost. Gasp! In my morning rush, I can usually only handle my coffee and the kid’s lunches. In that order. As I was literally running out the door, I did a mad dash to the freezer and grabbed a couple of Ziploc pouches of frozen salmon. I buy large quantities of salmon at a time, and then freeze in meal size pouches. IIn theory, it’s a smart thing to do – when the process works. I often forget to take it out and am left scrambling at 5:30, and often running to the store for some fresh, defrosted fish or a brick of tofu. Things worked out in my favor today. This meant that a tasty and healthy dinner could happen in a reasonable amount of time. We even covered all of the basic food groups!  Rah, Rah!

Baked Salmon with a Cumin Rub

1 pound of salmon fillet
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. crushed garlic
1 tbsp. crushed ginger
1 tbsp. cumin

Preheat oven to 400.

Mix the olive oil with the spices.

Rub the spice paste on to the salmon.

Let the salmon marinate for about 20 minutes.

Bake in the oven for about 11 minutes. You don’t want to overcook the salmon.

Serve with a salad and some brown rice. Enjoy!


Meatless Monday: Baked Salmon Patties

So it’s kind of meatless. Does fish count? In searching around through other Meatless Monday recipes, I came across many posts that included fish. I hope you like this.

I make salmon patties about once a month. If I don’t have leftover baked salmon, I like to use the canned salmon from Costco, the Kirkland brand. It’s boneless and skinless and tastes very good.

Baked Salmon Patties

1 can of salmon or use leftover baked salmon
1/2 cup chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 tsp. dried, mixed herbs (I like using an Italian seasoning)
1 egg
1 tbsp. horseradish sauce
1/4 cup bread crumbs (or to desired consistency)

Preheat oven to 425.

Spray a baking sheet with oil spray.

Mix up all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Form patties into balls and flatten. I get about six small patties from this mixture. Place on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Flip and bake for another 5-7 minutes. Enjoy!


Soy Ginger Salmon

Wednesday evenings are one of the nuttiest in our house. Both kids have assorted activities. We do not get home until 7:30, making the whole dinner routine a bit tough. I don’t like to do fast food, nor do we have any decent kosher fast food nearby. I do admit, I often turn to the more processed/frozen varieties of nutrition too often on those nights. I prefer to give my family a more balanced home cooked meal. This past Wednesday, we had the perfect dinner. We had a soy ginger salmon over whole wheat couscous with mushrooms and herbs. Yum!

Soy Ginger Salmon

Marinade Ingredients

1 pound of salmon
1/3 cup brown sugar
juice of half a lemon
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons ginger paste
1 tablespoon olive oil

Marinate your salmon for at least 30 minutes.

You have two options for cooking this up. You can sear it and finish in the oven, or you can broil for 15 minutes or so on high.

I chose to sear for 10 minutes and then finish in the oven.

Heat up the marinade ingredients in a sauce pan. Heat to boiling. Pour some of this sauce over the salmon and couscous.

I would show you a picture, but the camera didn’t cooperate. I will make this again though. So good!

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